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Song Details
Duration: 3:22 
Release Date: 1991 
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All right! This is a nursery rhyme polka, and there're lots of bands these days getting requests for a nursery rhyme polka, but we're the only band I know that does one. This is a song called The Window, and the way this works is this:Keith is gonna sing a nursery rhyme, then I'm gonna sing a nursery rhyme,
and then we'll take requests from the audience.

Ezra, there IS no audience!

So pretend.

(Keith, singing)
Geogie Porgie, pudding and pie,
Kissed the girls and made 'em cry.
When the boys came out to play...

They threw him out the window!
The window, the window
They threw him out the window!
When the boys came out to play
They threw them out the window!

Your turn.

(Ezra, singing)
Humpty-Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall,
All the king's horses, and all the king's men...

They threw him out the window!
The window, the window
They threw him out the window!
All the king's horses and all the king's men,
They threw him out the window!

Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet,
Eating her curds and whey,
Along came a spider who sat down beside her...

She threw it out the window!
The window, the window
She threw it out the window!
Along came a spider who sat down beside her
She threw it out the window!

(Keith as "audience")
Peter, Peter!

(Ezra, singing)
Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater,
Had a wife and couldn't feed her,
Put her in a pumpkin shell...

And threw her out the window!
The window, the window
He threw her out the window!
Put her in a pumpkin shell,
And threw her out the window!

Let's try "Mary had a Little Lamb."

Mary had a little lamb
Little lamb, little lamb
Mary had a little lamb...
She threw it out the window!
The window, the window
She threw it out the window!
Mary had a little lamb...
She threw it out the window!

Wanna do your favorite?

(Ezra, singing)
Old Mother Hubbard, she went to her cupboard,
To get her poor doggy a bone.
But, when she bent over, the doggy took over...

And threw her out the window!
The window, the window
He threw her out the window!
When she bent over, the doggy took over
And threw her out the window.

It's storytime!

(Ezra, singing)
Hey there, Little Red Ridiing Hood,
You sure are lookin good,
You've done ev'rything a big bad wolf could...

Throw him out the window!
The window, the window
Throw him out the window

You've done ev'rything a big bad wolf could...

Throw him out the window!

And now, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we're gonna attempt something extremely difficult. We are going to sing 2 nursery rhymes at the same time--a capella, forcing you to use both halves of your brain at the same time-- a capella. I'm going to be singing, "Rub-a-Dub-Dub, Three Men in a Tub", and Ezra is gonna be singing...

"There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in the Shoe."

Please don't try this without adult supervision; it's extremely dangerous! Ezra, can you count it off?

(Ezra, unenthusiastically)
One, two, thr...

(Keith, interrupting)
Ezra, can you count it off with enthusiasm, please?

(Ezra, VERY enthusiastically)

Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub
There was an old woman who lived in a shoe
And who do you think they'd be?
She had so many children, she didn't know what to do
The butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker; we'll...
She spanked them all soundly and put them to bed, and...

...throw them out the window!
The window, the window
Throw him out the window!


The butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker; we'll...
She spanked them all soundly and put them to bed, and...

...throw them out the window!
Current Rating 10.0 (1 vote)
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Messages about the song: "The Window"
Dave AuJus   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  07-14-20 04:38 PM  -  3 years ago

Thanks Ben, I don't know why this was assigned to him. It's fixed.

Wacky Ben   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  07-14-20 01:04 PM  -  3 years ago
Who's Charley Weaver?
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