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Insane Ian's Blog

Topic: Funny Ha Has - An Insane Ian Update 11/30/11

Insane Ian   Offline  -  Artist  -  11-30-11 02:53 PM  -  12 years ago
Holy's been a while! Sorry for the delay in updates, folks. I've had a hard few months. Here's a few things that have happened that you may want to know about:

-="Weezard" finally released!=-

That's right! After many MANY delayed months, "Weezard" is finally out now! The digital download is available as we speak at and the physical copies should be shipping soon. The EP was released on Nov 11 (the same day the last Harry Potter movie hit DVD & Blu-Ray) and if you pre-ordered it and have not yet rec'd your digital copy, please let me know! Your name may have slipped through the cracks and I will check the records and try to get it out to you ASAP. The physical copies saw a bit of a holiday delay (as well as just normal delays...oy) but should be out soon. Thank you SO MUCH for your patience!

-=New Song! "Moves Like Frogger"=-

Also on the Bandcamp page, you may notice a new single! "Moves Like Frogger" is the latest track from the perpetually forthcoming "Grand Theft Audio". It's also available on and iTunes. There's a performance video up on YouTube, with a full live action music video coming soon! Go, download and comment, and be sure to request it for the Dr Demento show at

-=Album Status=-

Speaking of "Grand Theft Audio", I'm sure you're wondering when THAT will see the light of day. Well, with any will be not to long after the beginning of the new year. While I had originally intended it to be this holiday season, circumstances beyond my control involving shooting schedules, recording schedules, band member issues, film crews and all sort of other delays have...well, delayed it. It's still coming, though, and your patience is once again appreciated. For those who pre-ordered, you will have some great incentives coming your way soon, and more videos to check out before the whole shebang hits. The audio portion is just about one song away from done, and the video will hopfully follow shortly after, so that we can get the thing printed pressed and into your eyes and earholes!

"Songs For Superheroes" has suffered a similar fate, but may be more towards the middle of next year. Stay tuned for details there.

-=The Dr. Demento Funny 25=-

Speaking of Superheroes, as we wrap up the year, it looks like "Super-Powers" will be in the Top Ten for 2011! Thank you to all who requested it to keep it so high in the rankings! Also in the top two are "Snoopy the Dogg" by the great Luke Ski (featuring cameos by Insane Ian and The Stacey), as well as "If I Could Be Weird Al" by the Moneyshot Cosmonauts (who this time around, also includes Insane Ian!). In that respect, I'm technically part of three songs in the Top Ten this year! To keep those songs in the top spot, it couldn't hurt to request them all again (and again and again)! If you're requesting "Super-Powers", PLEASE also request "Snoopy the Dogg" and "If I Could Be Weird Al", as those songs truly deserve the top slot (especially Luke's song). Thank you ALL for your support!

-=Site Updates=-

If you haven't been to lately, there have been a TON of updates, including Facebook integration ("like" buttons) and a whole new review section! Here I've collected the best reviews I've received on the web, and I think there's some really great blurbs there. If you find anything not working on the site, or if you have a review you'd like to submit for the page, just drop me a line and i'll try to include it!

-=Other News=-

I don't often get into personal notes here in the updates, but honestly...things have been tough in the II camp. In November, my producer/backing band and I parted ways temporarily, as he is moving to another state, putting new Insane ian tracks and productions on a slight hold. Currently, I'm unemployed and my car is no longer working, making finding work (or getting to a job if i get one) extremely difficult. Seeing as I need money to repair the car, and I need a job to get money, I'm kind of stuck in a perpetual cycle of uncertainty. If you would be so kind as to recommend some CDs or other stuff I sell to your friends, enemies, total strangers and the like for their holiday shopping, or purchase some yourselves, that would be greatly appreciated, as every little bit helps right now. I should be having some bundle deals on CDs on my site soon, and while my stuff can be found on numerous sites, the best way to help me out is to order directly from either or Thanks for your help!

That's all for this time. Hopefully there won't be as big a space between this and the next update, though with band separation it's a bit uncertain. Never fear though...I'll always try to find a way to keep entertaining, I just may get help from other sources. Thanks again for all your love and support, it means the world to me. Happy Holidays!

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