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Song Details
Have a Peanut Butter Sandwich (On Guitar) 
By: Art Paul Schlosser
Play Song (Creative Commons License):
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Duration: 4:42 
Release Date: 9/29/2011  (DJ Particle) 
Lyrics By: Art Paul Schlosser (artpaul) 
Music By: Art Paul Schlosser (artpaul) 
Produced By: WSUM (artpaul) 
Released By: Art Paul Schlosser Inc (artpaul) 
Published By: Art Paul Schlosser (artpaul) 
Licensing: CC (artpaul) 
Song Lyrics:
WSUM DJ: I guess one thing I've always wondered about is your use of the kazoo.What gave you the idea to bring a kazoo into your song as oppose to a harmonica people like to use, the kazoos a little more

Art Paul:well um when I was a kid I grew up and for some reason I wanted a harmonica out of nowhere and then I got this harmonica and it was a really cool harmonica but I couldn't play it.Since then I've develop ability to play a little harmonica.But Ah it's really not that good my harmonica playing.And one day I saw this guy named Ryan from the Kissy Fish. And Old people that use to hang out at campus here might of known who the kissy fish were. They were a group that did this song called Herby want to be a Dentist a lot.And they would play Club De Wash and Okayz Corral and ah anyways Ryan. They also played on the street a lot and Ryan one time was on State street and ah in fact them and My Cousin Kenny
ah is there a phone call ? anyways

WSUM DJ: Oh ! we have a phone call

Art Paul: They used kazoo

WSUM DJ: Should we put him on the air

Art Paul: Yeah, sure.

WSUM DJ: Alright. WSUM you are live on the air please do not use curse word or profanity language

JJ :I definitely won't use those words. I have a request

WSUM DJ: Alright let's hear it ?

JJ: Could you play the Peanut Butter Sandwich song ?

Art Paul: What did he say:

WSUM DJ: Oh He want to hear the Peanut Butter Sandwich song

Art Paul: Oh okay. Cool !

WSUM DJ: And you name sir


WSUM DJ:Okay so this one goes to JJ

JJ;Thank you
Art Paul: Okay yep

This is not the exact version because when I did the guitar version I modified it a little so I could play it on guitar. but the keyboard version a little bit different but here's the modified guitar version

Have a peanut butter sandwich
Have a peanut butter sandwich
Have a peanut butter sandwich
Have a peanut butter sandwich
Do you like White bread ?
How about Wheat bread ?
Some people eat Raisin bread
Have a peanut butter sandwich
Have some Kool-Aid
Have some milk
Have a peanut butter sandwich
Put some Jelly on it
Do you like Jam ?
Do you call it preserves ?
How about Orange Marmalade
On your peanut butter sandwich ?
Elvis like his
With Bananas
Have a peanut butter sandwich
Have a peanut butter sandwich
Your Aunts coming over
What you gonna make her ?
Make her a peanut butter sandwich
Make her a double-deckor peanut butter sandwich
Okay where ever your at sing it with me
Have a peanut butter sandwich
I can't hear you
Have a peanut butter sandwich
Really really loud now
Have a peanut butter sandwich
Everybody open your window
WSUM DJ: Your on the air if you want to sing
Art Paul: Wake up your neighbor
Have a Peanut Butter Sandwich
Have another peanut butter sandwich
Have another peanut butter sandwich
You can always join weight watchers
And have a peanut butter sandwich

WSUM DJ: I think we had someone call in during that and try to sing but they decided not to come on

Art Paul: okay I'm sorry

WSUM DJ:Oh no They could of sang that's was the point of the last chorus

Art Paul: I want a
Current Rating 9.9 (1 vote)
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