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Topic: Sell or give it (music) away?

Started by: Project Sisyphus

artpaul   Offline  -  Artist  -  09-29-07 11:38 AM  -  16 years ago
My point about at least stream your stuff and the playing live was also about why I put my downloads out on The Fump sideshow and The Mad Music Top 20.

People have to hear it to buy it ad think thats what others are saying to.

DevoSpice point about not giving it all away is a very good truth.

I do think their is an added bonus though for putting it on the Fump or even the Fump sideshow.

That added bonus is if people like it there than David Tanny is more likely to believe that your song is good too.

Plus with Dr Demento not as availible I really think it helps to get added comedy exposure like the podcasts here at

and The Fump and also I'm having them play my music at

--- Project Sisyphus
Thanks for your insight Spice. I've received a lot of exposure and many nice comments on the FUMP so I've uploaded another song to the Sideshow. One thing my wife pointed out is that while streaming content on MySpace is great, many people can't access social networking sites at work; also, not everyone has a high-speed connection. These folks will download you if they read and like your lyrics, but they can't stream it.
Project Sisyphus   Offline  -  Artist  -  09-29-07 01:35 AM  -  16 years ago
Thanks for your insight Spice. I've received a lot of exposure and many nice comments on the FUMP so I've uploaded another song to the Sideshow. One thing my wife pointed out is that while streaming content on MySpace is great, many people can't access social networking sites at work; also, not everyone has a high-speed connection. These folks will download you if they read and like your lyrics, but they can't stream it.
devospice   Offline  -  Artist  -  09-28-07 10:34 PM  -  16 years ago
The free content business model (as Rob Balder puts it) is designed to get people listening to your music. If people don't hear your music they have no way of knowing if they like it or not and therefore won't pay for it.

It's a long-term plan of exposure. They may not buy THIS album because they have the songs they want already, but they'll probably buy your next album, come to a live show, and maybe pick up a t-shirt. But none of that would have happened without that initial free MP3, most likely.

The other thing is, don't give away everything. Give away a bunch of songs to get people interested, then sell a CD with those songs and a bunch of others on it. And sell other things like t-shirts and stuff.

To answer the FuMP questions, the Sideshow artists are free to take down their songs whenever they want. And the current plan is to pull future Auxiliary members from the ranks of the Sideshow. That's one of the reasons why we set up the Sideshow.

TVsKyle   Offline  -  Artist  -  09-28-07 05:07 PM  -  16 years ago
I'll get on that soon! I haven't released that album yet.
Anyway, giving away some music can get people interested. I often buy full albums after I get my hands on some free tracks I like from their websites, MySpace pages, etc.

--- Tim P. Ryan
I don't think TV Kyle's Sheep In The Morning would not have been played on Manic Mondays, MMDT20 and DrD without it being in the Fump Sideshow. So that did help. That should lead to sales of higher fidelity downloads. (Too bad it's not in the MMA MP3 store).
Dave AuJus   Offline  -  Artist & D.J.  -  09-28-07 04:38 PM  -  16 years ago
Well put Spaff.

I was in a band doing original music back in the 80's. As a joke we made a cassette tape of 13 public domain Christmas songs and played at the local malls during the Christmas season. We made more money selling those tapes during the holidays than we ever did with our original music. If your songs are good and reach the right people, they will buy them. Having your songs played here at The Mad Music Archive couldn't hurt.
: ) Dave

Good question, Bob.

In my experience, if you give away free downloads, people generally ignore you. If you charge for downloads, even MORE people generally ignore you.
Tim P. Ryan   Offline  -  Participant, MP3  -  09-28-07 05:44 AM  -  16 years ago
I don't think TV Kyle's Sheep In The Morning would not have been played on Manic Mondays, MMDT20 and DrD without it being in the Fump Sideshow. So that did help. That should lead to sales of higher fidelity downloads. (Too bad it's not in the MMA MP3 store).
There are several things I would not know about the Fump Sideshow--for instance, if an artist can limit the time the song is up for free download or for listening, like taking it down after 60 or 90 days. I also would not know if success in the sideshow could result in an invite to put up a Fump Mainshow track.
One thing I do know, college aged listeners are becoming more single-minded. They want the one track they enjoy now.
A new music download site is working on an interesting model. Amie Street dot com where a song goes from free download to higher price teirs as the song is downloaded more until it gets to the 99 cent teir. Those who want to listen to new music (and will spread the word) are rewarded for being there first.

Project Sisyphus   Offline  -  Artist  -  09-28-07 03:12 AM  -  16 years ago
Thanks guys. I understand about not giving away secrets. I have a feeling I'd best be stocking up on Cocoa Pebbles. MMMMMmmmm...Cocoa Pebbles...
artpaul   Offline  -  Artist  -  09-27-07 11:45 PM  -  16 years ago
This is kind of asking people to give away secrets.

But I do have a question:

Do you play live ?

I mean if you don't play live then I feel you at least have to stream the songs somewhere.

--- Project Sisyphus
Just a question for you artists who have CDs and downloads for sale: how do you balance giving your music away on sites like the FUMP sideshow for example, with selling it? I'm curious as I would like to make more of my tunes available but at the same time, they're for sale on the Myspace music store and I'm hoping to recoup at list $13 of the $20 I spent making it. Heck, that would double my yearly income—I should alert my tax professional.   Offline  -  Artist  -  09-27-07 11:24 PM  -  16 years ago
Good question, Bob.

In my experience, if you give away free downloads, people generally ignore you. If you charge for downloads, even MORE people generally ignore you.

I'm thinking of trying a new business model: Pay people to download. If they still ignore you, fill the emptiness inside with Cocoa Pebbles. Lots and lots of Cocoa Pebbles.

Project Sisyphus   Offline  -  Artist  -  09-27-07 03:44 PM  -  16 years ago
Just a question for you artists who have CDs and downloads for sale: how do you balance giving your music away on sites like the FUMP sideshow for example, with selling it? I'm curious as I would like to make more of my tunes available but at the same time, they're for sale on the Myspace music store and I'm hoping to recoup at list $13 of the $20 I spent making it. Heck, that would double my yearly income—I should alert my tax professional.

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