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Song Details
Duration: 3:52 
Release Date: 2013 
Lyrics By: Art Paul Schlosser (artpaul) 
Music By: Art Paul Schlosser (artpaul) 
Produced By: WSUM (artpaul) 
Released By: Art Paul Schlosser Inc (artpaul) 
Published By: Art Paul Schlosser (artpaul) 
Licensing: BMI  #15607736 (artpaul) 
Song Lyrics:
This ones another one called Flat Cola

I don't like flat cola
Do you like flat soda
No one likes flat cola
No one likes flat soda
Don't serve no flat cola

You went in the refrigerator
You unscrew the top of the soda
You poured out a class
Why don't you turn it back on
Close that top
Screw it tight dude
Why did you leave it loose
The soda got real flat

I hate flat soda
I paid
I paid money for that soda
That was my soda
And you gotta
You gotta take a drink and then
You don't even screw the top back on right
Then you sit around and act like
Thanks for the soda but I'm sorry
I'm not buying you another one
Well you know man I hate it when it's flat

You go to some place like a restaurant
They didn't change the soda
So you get that weird white stuff coming out as cola
And it's not even soda man it's
It taste bad
I know it's not flat but it's still just as bad

I hate flat soda
I hate flat soda man
You go and buy a can or a bottle at the grocery store
And for some reason their was a hole in it or something
And you didn't see the hole
Why is that in the store
Why is it on the shelf
Why aren't they checking the shelf to see if there is
Something that's been linking or cracked or something man
Or maybe it's really old
Man you bought a soda that is so old
That it became flat
Well why do they still got it in the store man

I hate flat cola
I hate flat soda
I want my soda to have suds
I want it to be sparkling
I'm gonna
I'm gonna play some kazoo now


Is it over ?

Thank you those are 3 rap numbers
well I don't know what were doing now
those were awesome
I like those
That last one really spoke
Every once in a while a song really resinates with you
I mean you know what I'm talking about
That last one really spoke to me about the flat soda
I serve some flat soda in my day
I feel terrible about it
I just felt inspire on state street the other day you know
and I thought ah
I was playing in front of the heavy metal show at the Majestic
and they love it so
I bet
I thought
Of coarse they did
I thought you know
Maybe people should hear about how they don't want flat soda
It's about time some body verbalized that cause it's true
Current Rating 9.9 (1 vote)
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