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Stavro Arrgolus's Blog

Topic: Editor's Blog - (1/3) The Moving Finger Writes And Having Writ, Moves On...

Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  01-01-16 03:22 AM  -  8 years ago
January 3, 2016 - 4:45 pm EST (GMT -5)

After a false start, it seems this is the one time this weekend I'm afforded enough lucidity to express all the nasties of last year in this blog post.

With that said, it's time for a review of recent times - recent for me, anyway.

The less said about the sorry state of the membership numbers, the better...but I'll give it a shot anyway. On Xmas, we maxed out in the 260s, up from just over 200 on Labor Day, which is the time membership used to start to pick up again.

For the past few years, most of the membership has been wiped out. Even many of our familiar members have left and what remains is a very slowly contracting core of diehard members who remain loyal to the site. Why? Many of the demented songs we have can be found on YouTube and heard/seen immediately rather than hunting around this site for them. Over the course of January, as in years past, the numbers will decline back to just over 200. This happens every year as we lose those who joined for the holidays. The numbers are just much, much smaller this time.

I've tried several times to make Mad Music Shows, both regular & Holiday, but Audacity keeps crashing and deleting my efforts. Perhaps they sell decent audio software somewhere, but I'll have to go out and find it as I don't use credit cards (and, unsurprisingly, I'm not in debt at all), so I don't buy things online. No debt, no identity theft. That's what trusting retailers with your credit card number gets you. It's better not to have one. No impulse purchases save money as well. But I digress...

The homepage needs an overhaul. Quite a bit is outdated and having those things remain makes it look like a 'dead site' that you see here and there where nothing has been updated for a few years, so you know it's been abandoned. I have no access to the homepage, so I can't do it myself.

Although most broken things on the site have been seen to, there are still a few inoperative things that need fixing. Wayne tells me he has more time for the site now...but then, he also told me he would make a Mad Music Xmas Show if I sent him the playlist & script, so...

Some of our shows are ending (it takes quite a bit of time & effort to make them weekly, doesn't it?), so I need to step up and start making shows again. That's what my brain says. The rest of my spavined frame rarely wants to cooperate. The crappy equipment I have isn't helping at all, either.

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