A-Log on the Airwaves - January 14, 2017 Topic: So Long, Obama Playlist Generated on 05/06/24 by www.madmusic.com Hour 1 C Is For Lettuce - Worm Quartet Cellular Degeneration - Sudden Death Smells Like Herb Alpert - Power Salad feat. Chuck Rickard Smells Like Karen Carpenter - Moneyshot Cosmonauts Coffee, Tea or Cuba - Jose de la Vega Nicaragua - Jose Gumbo & His Mariachi Mercenaries Trouble - Moonshine Man Hungry, Said The Wolf (2017 Rough Master) - Halfshell / Sabaka Mahusky Lil' Red Riding Hood - Sam The Sham & The Pharaohs Everything is Racist (edit) - Rucka Rucka Ali 2016 - Young Jeffrey Dad Life - Mayor Wertz Shaddap You Face - Manuel (Andrew Sachs) O Cheryl - Manuel (Andrew Sachs) Hour 2 Soul President - Steve Soul Soul President Number One - John & Ernest The First Black President - Jimi-Lynnie & Don Barack Da Vote - Keith FromUpDaBlock Go Bama Go! - Sandman The Rapping Cowboy Save Me, Obama - Robert Lund He's Barack Obama - JibJab.com Blame It (On The Economy) - Iman Crosson Obama - Mr. Emptyhand Blazing Liberal - Paul Shanklin Obama Budget Plan - Ray Stevens Big Obama - Bob Rivers Obama's Prison Blues - Johnny Cashless Obama! - Max DeGroot Barack Theme - Brett Eidman Barack's The Brand New Prez - Rick Dees Hour 3 ObamaCare - Joe J. Thomas Take Obamacare and Shove It - What's Wrong Widdya Obamacare By Morning - Carrie Underwood feat. Brad Paisley Obama's Watching Me - Next Media Animation Waitin' on Obama - Cledus T. Judd A Leader Like Barack - The Capitol Steps Obama Style - Smooth-E feat. Alphacat 99 Problems - Iman Crosson Wacked-Out Five #5 - Leia (And Other Assorted Star Wars Parodies) - Power Salad #4 - The Year The Big-Mouth A$$hole Fucking Won [post-election sequel] (edit) - Steve Goodie #3 - I Want Your Sox - The Iceman #2 - We Want The FuMP - The FuMP #1 - Hairless Sister - Grant & Elliott Bonus Round I'm Obama - Rucka Rucka Ali Thanks Obama - Spose Next week: 2000 Listing added by: A-Log *** Still streaming and still free since 2005 ***