Mad Music Dementia Top 20, Episode 08-28, July 18, 2008 Topic: Mad Music Dementia Top 20, Episode 08-28, July 18, 2008 Playlist Generated on 04/17/24 by #20 - Kiss Me Darling (I've Got AIDS) (Karl Brown Remix) - Art Paul Schlosser #19 - Scratch in the Record (Soggy Potato Chips mix) - Art Paul Schlosser #18 - No Sleep Till Babylon - the great Luke Ski - * The Emo Girl's Favorite Things - Project Sisyphus #17 - PC08 - DJ Particle #16 - Grandma Gets Around - Jim Paquette - * Shake It Up or it Will Taste Bland - Below Average Dave #15 - Goddammit Marc Gunn, Shut Up About Your Cat - Worm Quartet #14 - Dear Worm Quartet - Marc Gunn #13 - That '70s Song - Odd Austin #12 - Live - Paul & Storm #11 - She's Lindsay Lohan - Rick Cormier - * It's the News - Below Average Dave #10 - High Maintenance - Dino-Mike #9 - Dwarven Mine - Curt the Camera Guy #8 - JFGI - Rob Balder (featuring Chris Mezzolesta) #7 - Domino Death - Sudden Death #6 - Temped by Your Transvestite Brother - Curt the Camera Guy #5 - Atari - Odd Austin #4 - Smash the Frickin' Fairies - Karl Brown #3 - Kenmore Fridge - Odd Austin #2 - Old People - Odd Austin - * Imagine The Sequel - Raymond & Scum #1 - Batman - Odd Austin *** Still streaming and still free since 2005 ***