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Topic: I find it impossible to add and edit albums now

Started by: artpaul

artpaul   Offline  -  Artist  -  06-24-17 04:50 PM  -  6 years ago
Yes but when you added Top ten reasons why Batman is Cool you put it as 18 and now there are 2 pages for it and what you should have done is just put it in the forth slot. So now there are 2 pages for Top Tens reasons Why Batman is cool.

Stavro Arrgolus:

If there are 17
tracks, that implies one of the tracks you added isn't on the album, but
the Batman track is - and is track 4. Tell me which one isn't on the
album with the proper track order if anything's different & I'll
sort it all out.

importantly, in this new page configuration, tracks are altered with
the 'pencil' icon on the track's left and the info confirmed by clicking
the green check mark that appears when you've finished altering the

strongly suggest giving it a shot. It's more laborious, I know, but there's more control over tracks & track order now. I'm
old & ill and I can manage it, so sensibly, damn near anyone could
manage it easier than I can.
Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  06-24-17 11:58 AM  -  6 years ago

If there are 17 tracks, that implies one of the tracks you added isn't on the album, but the Batman track is - and is track 4. Tell me which one isn't on the album with the proper track order if anything's different & I'll sort it all out.

More importantly, in this new page configuration, tracks are altered with the 'pencil' icon on the track's left and the info confirmed by clicking the green check mark that appears when you've finished altering the track.

I strongly suggest giving it a shot. It's more laborious, I know, but there's more control over tracks & track order now. I'm old & ill and I can manage it, so sensibly, damn near anyone could manage it easier than I can.
artpaul   Offline  -  Artist  -  06-22-17 06:52 PM  -  6 years ago

The CD only has 17 tracks. you needed to add it to number 4  
Stavro Arrgolus:

I added it.

you talking about the new album edit page? It takes some getting used
to...and it needs a fix here and there. Wayne knows about it.

Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  06-22-17 06:14 PM  -  6 years ago

I added it.

Are you talking about the new album edit page? It takes some getting used to...and it needs a fix here and there. Wayne knows about it.

artpaul   Offline  -  Artist  -  06-22-17 05:55 PM  -  6 years ago
Like my song Top 10 reasons Batman is Cool needs to be added to my CD New Experiments in Music and I would like to add some new CDs but I don't know where I can 

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