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Topic: Glenn Campbell

Started by: Halfshell

Halfshell   Offline  -  Artist  -  06-13-17 06:26 PM  -  6 years ago

The world is getting ready for a lost (will be loosing) of Glenn Campbell, he released his final album as well as his doctors has stated he's in his final stages of Alzheimers.

He hasn't departed "yet", but everyone's preparing for the news as its planning in the close near future (as in "any time").

Not trying to push the man in the grave yet, but giving a heads up as we're bout to loose a very talented country star.


I was in the process of Parodying "Rhinestone Cowboy" in furthering a country theme of parodies but decided to shelve the parody due to it may be "bad taste" to mock an artist or song after the singer/writer has passed away.

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