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HalfBee's Blog

Topic: Father's Day Formalities

HalfBee   Offline  -  Participant  -  06-19-16 06:46 PM  -  7 years ago
Trouble finding dad the perfect gift
Online possibilities you try to sift
Obviously it's not that hard
Let's just decide on a card
Something funny, his spirits to lift

Member Comments:

Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  06-20-16 11:46 AM  -  7 years ago
The Arrgolus line, of which I'm the last, are/were all real at one point or another and everything written/typed about them, including me, is genuine - except for the names & certain specific details, of course. Identity theft is everywhere, so...
It's the Arrgula line that's entirely fictional (and vampiric).

The names come from playing The Sims series - the game insisted I call them something. There's endless amusement one can have making up crap about vampires.

They can even take over internet shows - when they actually get made, of course. You have to have a functional microphone to do that sort of thing. I just bought a new one last week. Hopefully, better sounding shows are on the way now.
HalfBee   Offline  -  Participant  -  06-20-16 03:19 AM  -  7 years ago
I understand and living with the ancient elder isn't a picnic either...

But it's social (or anti-social) convention as a theme and we all need to pay our dues...

I thought all your ancestors had a 4 digit lifespan... barring the odd vampire hunter with a grudge...
Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  06-20-16 01:34 AM  -  7 years ago
As always, be content if your dads still exist. Some of us don't have the option.

Mine would have turned 101 in September.

His mother, who outlived him by 3 years: 129
And she was the youngest of my 4 grandparents.

For me, days like this are...all a bit silly.

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