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HalfBee's Blog

Topic: Dave's Not Here Reunion

HalfBee   Offline  -  Participant  -  04-29-13 06:47 PM  -  10 years ago
Just because the group is down to three
Once famous Monkees on tour you can see
Nesmith, Dolenz, and Tork
Enhancing of royalty pork
Still draws crowd and geriatric groupie

Member Comments:

HalfBee   Offline  -  Participant  -  04-30-13 02:47 AM  -  10 years ago
Last week there was an Areosmith cover band entertaining the casino crowd, and I was really enjoying it until... I looked around at the audience and they were mostly all in the 50+ demographic.

I've noticed for a while that the music I grew up listening to is now considered 'old people' music. But it doesn't matter if we get hard of hearing, we'll just turn it up to 11... if we can remember how...
Stavro Arrgolus   Offline  -  Editor, MP3  -  04-29-13 07:25 PM  -  10 years ago
They tour for the same reason the Stones do.

Someone has ex-wives and/or kids to support. Otherwise, nostalgia could be fun and not a increasingly pitiful job.

Benny & Björn turned down a billion dollars to avoid damaging the brand. How dedicated is that? Guess they didn't need the money. Mamma Mia was that lucrative.

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