The Dr. Demento Show #13-44 - November 2, 2013 Topic: Top ten for October Playlist Generated on 05/01/24 by The Dickhead Song (edit) - Miles Betterman Nice - Ronald Vomit You Went The Wrong Way, Old King Louie - Allan Sherman The Socks Song - Shay Butler - With Whimsical Will Siri - Mark Maynor Let Me Make You Smile In Bed - The Four Postmen Amazing Smile - Adam Donmoyer The Ostrich - The Primitives The Funky Gibbon - The Goodies Psycho Chicken (live) - The Fools Don't Worry, You're Fifty - Joe J. Thomas We Are Dead - Dale Gonyea Gina Pepe - Brian Kenney Fresno Seismograph - The Amoeba People The Volcano Song - Logan Whitehurst & The Junior Science Club I'm Not Psycho - Adam Donmoyer I Get Arrested - The TravelTens I'm Sorry - Insane Ian Daffy Duck's Rhapsody - Mel Blanc Hope I Get A Buck - Shad-Rapp Morris The Moose - Lorne Elliott #10 - The Fox - Ylvis #9 - Furries! - Pony Death Ride #8 - Booty Man - Tim Wilson #7 - Piratz Tavern - Devo Spice #6 - All About The Wookiee - The Consortium of Genius #5 - Run This Game - Insane Ian f/ The Stacey & Devo Spice #4 - Autocomplete - Devo Spice f/ Worm Quartet #3 - When You Wish Upon A Death Star - The great Luke Ski #2 - Obamacare - Joe J. Thomas #1 - After Ever After - Jon Cozart - Next week: Comedians sing