The Dr. Demento Show #98-42 - October 18, 1998 Topic: 1975; Firesign Theatre interview continued Playlist Generated on 05/04/24 by Gitarzan - Ray Stevens "Ask not what you can do for your country..." - John F. Kennedy Ronald Reagan Speaks For Himself (excerpt) Go Down Get Off My Lawn! - Reverend Billy C. Wirtz Green Garden Hose Part #2 - Brother George Underbrush They Look Alike, They Walk Alike - Christine Lavin I Think I'm A Clone Now - "Weird Al" Yankovic Yuppie Camper - Rob Paravonian - With Whimsical Will Mr. Jaws - Dickie Goodman The Bertha Butt Boogie, Part 1 (Part 1) - The Jimmy Castor Bunch Wolf Creek Pass - C.W. McCall Hi Guys - Ted Knight Waffle Whiffer - Brad Stanfield Shaving Cream - Benny Bell Hoppy, Gene And Me - Roy Rogers - * - - Firesign Theatre * The Love-In (excerpt) - Sheb Wooley * The Holygram's Song/I Think We're All Bozos On This Bus - Firesign Theatre * Trippple Ripppoff/Night Whispers - Firesign Theatre Le Bal - Hans Reichel #5 - Reefer Song - Mindless Drug Hoover #4 - Doctor Worm - They Might Be Giants #3 - Star Trekkin' - The Firm #2 - The Devil Went To Jamaica - Travis Meyer #1 - Bulbous Bouffant - Radio Free Vestibule - Next week: Halloween