The Dr. Demento Show #95-09 - February 26, 1995 Topic: dancing Playlist Generated on 05/03/24 by Dancin' Fool - Frank Zappa Punk Polka - The Toons Polka Your Eyes Out - "Weird Al" Yankovic The Lovely Things Waltz - The Happy Schnapps Combo I Wanna Kiss Her - Tim Cavanagh Runnin' With A Fork In My Mouth - The New Duncan Imperials I Gotta Get a Fake I.D. - Barnes & Barnes Talkin' To Ralph On The Big White Phone - Morning Wood - With Whimsical Will Falling In Line With Newt - Loose Bruce Kerr Something To Shoot - Chris Wall & The Rhythm Wranglers Trigger Happy - "Weird Al" Yankovic The Nun's Story - Marilyn Robertson The Cockroach That Ate Cincinnati - Rose & The Arrangement Teenage Caveman - Johnny Legend - * The Lambeth Walk - Arthur Murray * The Charleston * The Rhumba * The Bunny Hop * The Hokey Pokey * The Madison Time - Ray Bryant * - Do You Think I'm Disco? - Steve Dahl & Teenage Radiation Disco Sucks - Chuck Wagon Maultsby and The Same Old Band Disco Toilet - Hersh & Chipkin The Mystery Dance - Elvis Costello Say Man - Bo Diddley Mr. Personality - Gillette (A 20 Fingers Production) #5 - I Like - Heathen Dan #4 - Rock Rap Part II - Whimsical Will #3 - Talkin' Seattle Grunge Rock Blues - Todd Snider #2 - Moose Turd Pie - Utah Phillips #1 - Da Turdy Point Buck - Bananas at Large Next week: all-request show