The Dr. Demento Show #79-42 - October 21, 1979 Playlist Generated on 06/02/24 by Springtime For Hitler - Mel Brooks Chaos (KAOS Radio) - Arbogast & Ross Dance Of The Hours - Spike Jones & His City Slickers Johnny Has A Yo-Yo - Ruth Wallis I've Gone And Lost My Little Yo Yo - Billy Cotton Don't Touch My Duck - Dean Cheeseman Clip Clop (Ode to Equis) - Barnes & Barnes - You Need Feet (excerpt) - Bernard Bresslaw - The Elements (live) (live) - Tom Lehrer The School Teacher - Avon Comedy Four (with Irving Kaufman) Blimpht - Bill Oddie Red Neck Disco - Glenn Sutton Boozy Nights - The Barron Knights Beep Beep - The Playmates Dr. Freud - The Raunch Hands Take A Whiff On Me - Leadbelly Skylab Fragment - Capt. Australia & His Mate Downunder The Biggest Aspidastra In The World - Gracie Fields #5 - Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life - Monty Python Death & Baseball (Funny Five Extra) - Mal Sharpe #4 - Making Love In a Subaru - Damaskas Pie In The Face (Funny Five Extra) - Soupy Sales #3 - They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha-Haaa! - Napoleon XIV (Jerry Samuels) #2 - Disco Sucks - Chuck Wagon Maultsby and The Same Old Band #1 - My Bologna - "Weird Al" Yankovic