The Dr. Demento Show #05-48 - November 27, 2005 Topic: Superheroes Playlist Generated on 06/02/24 by Livin' in the Fridge - "Weird Al" Yankovic The Vulture - Lou & Peter Berryman Goblet Of Fire - Steve Goodie Star Drek - Bobby Pickett & Peter Ferrara Dead Rockstars - Page The Village Idiot The Old Payola Roll Blues - Stan Freberg f/ Jesse White, Music By Billy May w/ The Toads Stick Stickly - Lemon Demon Jennifer Lopez (I Want To Be Your Friend) - Raymond & Scum Winter In Manhattan - Christine Lavin Rusty Chevrolet - Da Yoopers Eskimo - Corky & The Juice Pigs Don't Eat The Yellow Snow - Frank Zappa Nanook Rubs It - Frank Zappa Ode To A Superhero - "Weird Al" Yankovic Peter Parker - the great Luke Ski Superman - Freddie Fisher Super Superman - Dickie Goodman Adam West - Wally Wingert Hey, Batman! - Whimsical Will Particle Man - They Might Be Giants Super Hero Blues - Seduction Of The Innocent #5 - Missing Him, Missing Limb - Miller #4 - The Scotsman - Bryan Bowers #3 - Da Turdy Point Buck - Bananas at Large #2 - Fish Heads - Barnes & Barnes #1 - My Cat Is Afraid Of The Vacuum Cleaner - Power Salad - Next week: Christmas part 1/4