The Dr. Demento Show #03-13 - March 30, 2003 Topic: one of the most abundant things in the entire world: stupidity Playlist Generated on 06/02/24 by Kill The Wabbit - Mark McCollum Evil Toucan Sam - Benjamin Edwards Wannabe A Slayer - the great Luke Ski Wedgie - Carla Ulbrich Pol Pot Ate The Rice - Vinnie & The Stardusters Wyatt Earp Makes Me Burp - Spike Jones Springtime For Hitler - Mel Brooks - With Whimsical Will Roman Numerals - The Frantics Cheque Book Journalism - Fascinating Aida Midnight Star - "Weird Al" Yankovic As Bad As This (excerpt with "Plexiglas Toilet") - Styx Who Put The Booger On My Beer Mug - Sneaky Pete Spew - moosebutter Fishin' With Live Bait - The Frantics Dare To Be Stupid - "Weird Al" Yankovic How Sweet To Be An Idiot - Neil Innes Stupid Day Job - Wally Pleasant I Like 'Em Big And Stupid (Trapped In The Body Of A White Girl version) - Julie Brown Please Do Something Stupid - Carla Ulbrich It's Your Birthday And You're Still Stupid - Bob Lyons Stupid - Don White #5 - The 90's Song - Alan Gordon #4 - Kick Ass USA - Milo Tremley #3 - Pencil Neck Geek (w/ epilogue) - Fred Blassie #2 - Grope Me Gently, Airport Security Guard - Larry Weaver #1 - We Couldn't Start The Tractor - Mylo Hatzenbuhler - Next week: tobacco